第一篇:英语演讲稿 I love you, chIna
goodafternoon,everybody!todayIwouldlIketotalkaboutcustomsofmIaonatIonalItyInourcountry.nowIthasapopulatIonofmorethan7mIllIon.halfofthemlIveInguIzhouprovInce,andothersdwellInyunnan,hunan,sIchuanandotherplaces.theyhavetheIrownlanguageandcharacterswhIcharejustasthIsImageshowed.theIrhouses,whIcharecalleddIaojIaolou,werebuIltofwoodwIthnatIonalfeature.thefootholdofthehouselookprecarIous,butItIsactuallysteadyandsafe.themusIcanddancetherehasalonghIstory,thIspIctureshowstaIpIngxIao,thIsonedescrIbestIaoyue,andthIsoneexpressesguwu.mIaowomen'sbeautIfulskIrtsandsIlveraccoutermentsareknownallovertheworldfortheIrnIcework. ……此处隐藏1389个字…… yellow skIn, black eyes and black haIr. I’m also proud that I speak the most beautIful language In the world—chInese.
I love you, chIna, for I can feel the deep love you gIve me every day, every mInute. last year, I got an opportunIty to vIsIt the unIted states of amerIca. durIng my stayIng there, my father’s boss once InvIted my famIly to dInner. whIle at , he looked at me and asked: “lIttle boy, how long have you been In amerIca?” “about a month,” I answered, “how lucky you are!” he saId, “If you were lIvIng In chIna, how could you learn such perfect englIsh?” I smIled and told hIm proudly that all the students In chIna are able to learn englIsh at school. I saw hIs surprIsed eyes and saId to myself, “I’m proud of you, chIna ”