Dear father and mother:
How are you?
I have been in Australia for nearly two year, and all the things go well. I miss you very much, so I decide to invite you to visit me, and live in Melbourne for 2 months.
It is well known that there are rich tour resources in Australia, all kinds of flowers are blooming through a year and glasses grow flourish. Millions of people are attracted to be here because of the sunshine and fresh air. At the same time my mother and my father like travelling and going shopping, so we ……此处隐藏459个字……usgehaedigt.
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Zuname, Vorname
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( ) personalausweis Nr.: ____________________
( ) Reisepa Nr.: _________________________
hat vorstehende Unterschrift vor mir vollzogen.Auf die Verpflichtung gemae §84 Auslaedergesetz Dies wird hiermit amtlich beglaubigt.
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